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Received : 20-08-2021

Accepted : 24-08-2021

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Student-led seminar as a teaching learning technique to introduce first year medical undergraduate students to self-directed learning

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Original Article

Author Details : Navita Aggarwal, Niket Verma*, Harsimranjit Singh

Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2021

Article Page : 59-63

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Introduction: Student-led seminar (SLS) is an interactive peer-led teaching learning method which offers several advantages for both the student learners and the student tutors including helping the learners to develop self-directed learning (SDL) skills. The aim of this study was to analyze the perception of first year medical undergraduate students towards a recently conducted SDL module in Anatomy utilizing student-led seminars as the teaching learning technique.
Materials and Methods: Participation in the study was voluntary and all 100 first year students consented to participate in the study. Informed consent was taken from the participants. The module was implemented across 2 sessions. In session 1, a clinical case scenario on Shoulder Joint was discussed. Students were then asked to identify knowledge gaps and brainstorm in small groups to formulate the learning objectives. Session 2 was conducted as a student-led seminar after a 6-day gap. Student perception was then obtained using a Google Forms based questionnaire.
Results: Thematic analysis was conducted for the responses. Major themes that emerged were that the participants learnt, enjoyed and felt motivated. Students appreciated the role played by the facilitators in guiding them and some of the respondents wanted to take up leadership roles for their teams in future sessions.
Conclusion: As medical educators, we should not only encourage the acquisition of SDL skills by the learners but also provide a conducive environment for self-directed learning. To our experience the student-led seminar can be an excellent teaching-learning method for incorporating SDL skills among undergraduate medical learners.

Keywords: Students Medical, Learning, Education Medical Undergraduate, Student led seminar, Self directed learning.

How to cite : Aggarwal N, Verma N, Singh H, Student-led seminar as a teaching learning technique to introduce first year medical undergraduate students to self-directed learning. J Educ Technol Health Sci 2021;8(2):59-63

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