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Received : 03-05-2024

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Cooperative dynamics in surgical training: Applying Axelrod's game theory principles to enhance surgery education

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Review Article

Author Details : Zayapragassarazan Z , Devi Prasad Mohapatra*

Volume : 11, Issue : 3, Year : 2024

Article Page : 64-70

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Surgical training faces the intrinsic challenge of balancing the imperative for high-quality patient care with the need for residents to gain practical, hands-on experience. This balancing act requires a fine understanding of the dynamics between educators and learners to ensure optimal outcomes for both. This manuscript proposes an innovative solution to these challenges by applying the principles of game theory, specifically drawing on Axelrod's Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma, to the context of surgery education. By conceptualizing the interactions between surgery teachers and residents as a series of game-theoretic decisions, this framework introduces a novel approach to fostering cooperation, enhancing learning outcomes, and ultimately improving patient care. Key insights from this application include the importance of establishing initial cooperation (niceness), appropriately responding to non-cooperative behavior (retaliation), the value of forgiveness in re-establishing cooperation, and the necessity of clear communication and expectations (clarity). These principles, rooted in the rich theoretical soil of game theory, offer surgical education a structured path towards more effective and harmonious training environments. The implications of this approach extend beyond the operating room, suggesting a model for interpersonal dynamics and professional development that could revolutionize medical education at large.

Keywords: Surgical training, Game theory, Iterated prisoner's dilemma, Axelrod's principles.

How to cite : Zayapragassarazan Z, Mohapatra D P, Cooperative dynamics in surgical training: Applying Axelrod's game theory principles to enhance surgery education. J Educ Technol Health Sci 2024;11(3):64-70

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