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Received : 08-08-2024

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Perception towards personal enrichment competency modules and interprofessional collaboration readiness among students

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Original Article

Author Details : Indang Ariati Ariffin*, Muhammad Zulfiqah Sadikan, Hasanain Faisal Ghazi

Volume : 11, Issue : 3, Year : 2024

Article Page : 83-91

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Background: To evaluate the correlation between perception towards Personal enrichment competency (PEC) modules effectiveness and interprofessional collaboration readiness among students.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study design was used. Two different variables were used to measure the perception towards PEC modules and the readiness for interprofessional collaboration; this was done using the readiness for interprofessional learning scale (RIPLS). A convenience sampling method was used. The respondent was drawn from current medical, health science and pharmacy undergraduate students from the first year to the fifth year in a private University in Malaysia. A Spearman's rank-order correlation test was run to determine the statistical relationship between both variables.
Results: The scores for the perception towards PEC modules (inclusive of overall scores, content structure, practicum and assessment) and readiness towards IP learning (comprised of teamwork and collaboration, negative professional identity, positive professional identity and roles and/or responsibilities) showed above average score (4.04 ± 0.92 and 3.77± 0.81 respectively) among students of various healthcare programs. There was a strong, positive correlation between PEC module effectiveness and IP collaboration readiness, which was statistically significant (r = 0.713, p < 0> Conclusion: There was an effective PEC delivery among undergraduates in medical school, pharmacy school and faculty of health sciences. Undergraduates in medical school, pharmacy school and faculty of health sciences were shown to be ready for interprofessional collaboration when entering professional careers. Interprofessional learning should be incorporated into the curriculum such as in the PEC modules for all medical, health science and pharmacy programs, which may nurture students to become more competent healthcare givers and appreciate each professional role.

Keywords: Personal enrichment competency, Interprofessional collaboration, Interprofessional readiness, Module’s effectiveness, Correlation analysis

How to cite : Ariffin I A, Sadikan M Z, Ghazi H F, Perception towards personal enrichment competency modules and interprofessional collaboration readiness among students. J Educ Technol Health Sci 2024;11(3):83-91

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